Friday, February 5, 2010


   Finished my final presentation for my research last week, sent the thesis yesterday. Fuh~~ What a relief... NOT. Despite finishing the thing that had taken my whole time for these past 6 months?, I'm still buzy and the defination of buzy here is catching up with dateline for more reports and more preseantation and to top it of, I still have exams for the next 3 weeks which is very important for my graduation. I dare not to think about graduation until these exams are over. But of course, the world doesn't revoleve around me and according to my pace so, I would have to deal with a lot more things while facing exams and reports. And since I'm such a nice person, I've got myself an extra work by volunteering to help the 3rd year student with their exams and volunteered to make notes for them to study. I'm too nice, I should just let them be but I couldn't and I won't. I have to admite I have a soft spot for people who work hard to achieve what they want; one of the reaason why I used to like that particular person when I first came here. Let's keep that story for some other day.

  Great!!! You think you could have some rest after the storm was over but there's still a lot of storms coming my way. Here we go, again. Will I last through all these? I know I will. Because despite these february fever (a cute name that I gave to this whole buzy things), I've managed to find the silver lining. We have about a month before the semester come to an end and the spring holiday starts. And this is my last month here in this college. And somehow people are starting to treasure these last moments. People are nicer, happier and more friendly than usual. I think everyone can understand why; when the end is coming, people stop and treasure what they currently have. Typical human behavior. =D
   Which I appreciate since I'm doing the same too. In fact, I think this could be the 'recipe' for maintaining a good relationship with everyone. Ever seen the movies where the hero/ heroin only realized how important a person is until they lost them (death etc). But in the movies, they get to get back to their current life with the new knowledge; we can't. So, we just have to skip the whole 'going to our future life' and just started thinking about the importance of the people in our life despite their annoying habits or what they had done.
  This is my way of deciding if I want/need/ should hate/ignore someone or not. Warning for the extremeness of my thoughts. So, before I decided to hate someone, I think like this; if this person dies, will I be sad or will I regret not spending more time with him/ her or will I regret not treating him/her better? Extreme, right? I know but it works for me. So, if the answer is you will regret it or you will be sad, then you know what to do; APPRECIATE THEM!!!!! If the answer is Nah, I'll be fine/ I'll live then you can hate/ignore them. Most of the time the answer is you will be sad so you will end up not hating so many person in your life which I think is a good thing for stress. =)

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