Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blood Type and Personality

Japanese have this interesting culture of judging a person's personality by their blood test and the other way around. It's very famous up to the point they have daily fortune telling using blood type instead of horoscope. I didn't know my blood type until quite recently. My lab member kept asking me about my blood type and it was killing them not knowing and killing me seeing them like that. So when I went back home to Malaysis last summer, I took the blood test and found out my blood type is B+.

So, when I came back to Japan, I told everyone and they were excited and relieved to know my result; weird rite? One thing settled. Or so I thought until one day I found out my lab professor have quite a deep interest in the relationship between blood type and personality. Btw, he told me his hobby is observing people; their personality, way of life etc. So, he started going on how I was a typical B type person; he said he had known I was one even before I took the blood test. Ok..... That made me curious so we spent about an hour talking about this while I ignored my graduation thesis. Nice rite?


So, here's some of the trait he told me.( most of them are bad traits) 

A - diligent (majime), perfectionist, worrywart, -----> In short; my professor. He admit it himself and from what I have seen, he's the typical A type.

B - self centered sometimes selfish, stubborn, like to have their own way, say opinion out loud and positive thinker (i.e sees good in things even when it's bad) -------> Me (according to him; I don't know if he said all these just to critisize me and I seriously think he secretly enjoying saying these to my face =_=)

AB - a bit crazy, unpredictable ------> He gave three names of my classmate and I couldn't do anything but nod and agree.

O - absent-minded, go with the flow (change according to people around), usually give up in the middle --------> a lab member of mine is an O; he's exactly like what's written on top. 


A ----> NEVER good with B; high rate of divorce for this couple 
    ----> not so great with AB but better than B
    ----> great with O

O -----> great with any because O will go with the flow

AB ----> the end of world with another AB


   I am what he said a typical B is and I couldn't agree more. My professor is an A; I could go along with him well most of the time but got pissed with him most of the time too. That could explained a lot. AB; I have to agree when I see that three classmates of mine. But you can't hate them which explains why AB is the universal recipient? O; probably the most flexible of all; he could survive anywhere. Most of Japanese are A type; that would explained why they're like what they are or the other way around... No wonder O is the universal donor....

  Some believe this culture begins because the need to know something personal about a person when we first meet so that we can have some expectation about their personality and how they would react. And since asking for blood type isn't rude like asking about their family or personal life, this culture started spreading and accepted. Sound good enough.....

  So, what's your blood time and does the given traits matches?